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Academic Journal Articles

Oglesby-Neal, A., Peterson, B. P., Lawrence, D. S. (2024). To activate, or not to activate? Officers’ decisions to turn on body-worn cameras during different police services. Policing: An International Journal. Retrieve here and preprint here.


Lawrence, D.S. (2024). Recommendations for policing established drug markets. Applied Police Briefings, 1(1), 10-12. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., & Novak, K. J. (2024). Firearm shootings and the police response: Examining the impact of gunshot detection technology. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. Version of record here and​ preprint here.


Lawrence, D.S., & Dockstader, J. (2024). Determinants of wellness program utilization among law enforcement personnel: A focus on psychological and physical health. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. Version of record here and​ preprint here.


Lawrence, D.S., Peterson, B.E., White, M.D., Cunningham, B.C., & Coldren, J.R. (2024). Effects of correctional body-worn cameras on responses to resistance: A randomized controlled trial in a jail setting. Justice Quarterly. Version of record here and preprint here.


Lawrence, D. S., Peterson, B. S., White, M. D., Cunningham, B. C., & Coldren, J. R. (2023). Can body-worn cameras reduce injuries during response-to-resistance events in a jail setting? Results from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Criminal Justice88. Version of record here and preprint here.


Peterson, B. E., White, M. D., Cunningham, B. C., Lawrence, D. S., Lafferty, J., & Coldren, J. (2023). Body-worn cameras in a correctional setting: Assessing jail deputy attitudes before, during, and after implementation. Justice Evaluation Journal, 7(1), 104-125. Version of record here and preprint here.


Lawrence, D.S. (2023). Patrolling the largest drug market on the eastern seaboard: A synthetic control analysis on the impact of a police bicycle unit. Criminology and Public Policy, 22(3), 517-541. Version of record here and preprint here.


Lawrence, D.S., Peterson, B.E., Robin, L., & Shukla, R. (2022). The impact of correctional CCTV cameras on infractions and investigations: A synthetic control approach to evaluating surveillance system upgrades in a Minnesota prison. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 33(8), 843-869. Retrieve here.


Peterson, B.E., & Lawrence, D.S. (2020). Do the Effects of Police Body-Worn Cameras on Use of Force and Complaints Change Over Time? Results from a Panel Analysis in the Milwaukee Police Department. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(6), 734-754. Retrieve here.


Robin, L., Peterson, B.E., & Lawrence, D.S. (2020). How do close-circuit television cameras impact crimes and clearances? An evaluation of the Milwaukee Police Department’s public surveillance system. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 22(2), 1171-1190. Retrieve here.


Thompson, P.S., Peterson, B.E., & Lawrence, D.S. (2020). Community perceptions: Procedural justice, legitimacy, and body-worn cameras. Policing: An International Journal, 43(3), 495-509. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., & Peterson, B.E. (2019). How do body-worn cameras affect the amount and makeup of police-initiated activities? A randomized controlled trial in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 16(4), 481-503. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., McClure, D., Malm, A., Lynch, M., & La Vigne, N.G. (2019). Activation of body-worn cameras: Variation by officer, over time, and by policing activity. Criminal Justice Review, 44(3), 339-355. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., La Vigne, N.G., Goff, M., & Thompson, P.S. (2019). Lessons learned implementing gunshot detection technology: Results of a process evaluation in three major cities. Justice Evaluation Journal, 1(2), 109-129. Retrieve here.


Rosenbaum, D.P., & Lawrence, D.S. (2017). Teaching procedural justice and communication skills during police-community encounters: Results of a randomized control trial with police recruits. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 13(3), 293-319. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., Christoff, T.E., & Escamilla, J.H. (2017). Predicting procedural justice behavior: Examining communication and personality. Policing: An International Journal, 40(1), 141-154. Retrieve here.


Rosenbaum, D.P., Maskaly, J., Lawrence, D.S., Escamilla, J.H., Enciso, G., Christoff, T.E., & Posick, C. (2017). The Police-Community Interaction Survey: Measuring police performance in new ways. Policing: An International Journal, 40(1), 112-127. Retrieve here.


Rosenbaum, D., Lawrence, D.S., Hartnett, S., McDevitt, J., & Posick, C. (2015). Measuring procedural justice and legitimacy at the local level: The Police-Community Interaction Survey. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 11, 335–366. Retrieve here.


McCarty, W.P, & Lawrence, D.S. (2014). Coping, confidence, and change within the academy: A longitudinal look at police recruits. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 17, 263–278. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S. (2014). Predicting procedural justice behavior: Examining personality and parental discipline in new officers (Doctoral dissertation). Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago. Retrieve here.




Book Chapters

Peterson, B.E., & Lawrence, D.S. (2019). Body cameras and policing. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, January 2019. Retrieve here.




Research Reports, Policy Briefs, & Technical Reports

Lawrence, D.S. & Dockstader, J. (2024). Law enforcement deaths by suicide. Arlington, VA: CNA Corporation. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., Peterson, B.E., Shukla, R., & Robin, L. (2024). Optimizing the use of video technology to improve criminal justice outcomes. Washington, DC: Office of Justice Programs. Retrieve here.


Peterson, B.E., Shukla, R., Lawrence, D.S., & Robin, L. (2024). Optimizing video surveillance in correctional settings. Washington, DC: Office of Justice Programs. Retrieve here.


Cunningham, B. C., Bauer, V., Cincotta, K., Dockstader, J., Carleton, B., Bryson, B., & Lawrence, D. S. (2024). Developing a pilot risk assessment model for law enforcement patrol. Arlington, VA: CNA Corporation. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., & Carleton, B. (2023). Work and life stressors of law enforcement personnel. Arlington, VA: CNA Corporation. Retrieve here.


Cunningham, B.C., Peterson, B.E., Lawrence, D.S., White, M.D., Coldren, J.R., Lafferty, J., & Richardson, K. (2023). Comparing the uses and benefits of stationary cameras versus body-worn cameras in a local jail setting. Arlington, VA: CNA Corporation. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., & Peterson, B.E. (2023). Assessment of the Atlas One crime reporting application in the Milwaukee Police Department. Milwaukee, WI: Milwaukee Police Department (not available to the public).


Cunningham, B. C., Lawrence, D. S., White, M. D., Peterson, B. E., Coldren, J., Lafferty J., & Richardson, K. (2023). A randomized controlled trial of the impact of body-worn cameras in the Loudoun County, VA, adult detention center. Washington, DC: Office of Justice Programs, 2023. Retrieve here.


Johnston, R., Lawrence, D.S., Carleton, B., Medlock, H., Christoff, T., Richardson, K., & Wolfe, S.E. (2022). Fair and impartial policing assessment of the East Lansing Police Department. Arlington, VA: CNA Corporation. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., Christoff, T., Thorkildsen, Z. (2022). Final Report: Use of Force Assessment of the San José Police Department. Arlington, VA: CNA Corporation. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., Engelhardt, W., Ervin, S., & Perez, R. (2021). An impact evaluation of the misdemeanor diversion program in Durham County, North Carolina. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Engelhardt, W. & Lawrence, D.S. (2021). A summary of two evaluations of the misdemeanor diversion program in Durham County, North Carolina. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Engelhardt, W., Ervin, S., Lawrence, D.S., & Perez, R. (2021). A process evaluation of the misdemeanor diversion program in Durham County, North Carolina. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Jannetta, J., Reginal, T., Lawrence, D.S., Flood, C., & LaGratta, E.G. (2021). Applying procedural justice in community supervision: Assessment of pilot testing in the Georgia Department of Community Supervision. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Jannetta, J., Lawrence, D.S., Reginal, T. (2021). Applying procedural justice in community supervision: Technical appendixes. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Shukla, R., Peterson, B.E., Robin, L., & Lawrence, D.S. (2021). Audio analytics and other upgrades in correction surveillance systems: Lessons learned. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Shukla, R., Robin, L., Peterson, B.E., & Lawrence, D.S. (2021). Optimizing Surveillance Systems in Correctional Settings: A Guide for Enhancing Safety and Security. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Harvell, S., Sakala, L., Lawrence, D.S., Olsen, R., & Hull, C. (2020). Assessing juvenile diversion reforms in Kentucky. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., Harvell, S., Sakala, L., Olsen, R., & Hull, C. (2020). Assessing juvenile diversion reforms in Kentucky: Technical appendixes. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Robin, L., Peterson, B.E., & Lawrence, D.S. (2020). Public surveillance cameras and crime: The impact of different camera types on crime and clearances. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Shukla, R., Lawrence, D.S., & Peterson, B.E. (2020). Lessons learned implementing video analytics in a public surveillance network. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Shukla, R., Lawrence, D.S., Peterson, B.E., & McClure, D. (2020). Optimizing public surveillance systems for crime control and prevention: A guide for law enforcement and their municipal partners. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., La Vigne, N., & Thompson, P.S. (2019). Evaluation of gunshot detection technology to aid in the reduction of firearms violence. Washington, DC: Office of Justice Programs. Retrieve here.


Fontaine, J., Esthappan, E., La Vigne, N., Lawrence, D.S., Jannetta, J. (2019). Updated: Views of the police and neighborhood conditions: Evidence of change in six cities participating in the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


La Vigne, N.G., Thompson, P.S., Lawrence, D.S., & Goff, M. (2019). Implementing gunshot detection technology: Recommendations for law enforcement and municipal partners. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


La Vigne, N., Jannetta, J., Fontaine, J., Lawrence, D.S., & Esthappan, S. (2019). The National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice: Key Process and Outcome Evaluation Findings. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., La Vigne, N., Jannetta, J., & Fontaine, J. (2019). Impact of the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice on police administrative outcomes. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., La Vigne, N., Jannetta, J., & Fontaine, J. (2019). Impact of the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice on police administrative outcomes: Supplemental materials to impact analyses. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., Gourdet, C., Banks, D., Planty, M., Woods, D., Jackson, B.A. (2019). Prosecutor Priorities, Challenges, and Solutions. Washington, DC: RAND Corporation. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., Peterson, B., & Thompson, P. (2018). Community views of Milwaukee’s police body-worn camera program: Results from three waves of community surveys. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Peterson, B., Yu, L., La Vigne, N., & Lawrence, D.S. (2018). The Milwaukee police department’s body-worn camera program: Evaluation findings and key takeaways. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


McClure, D., La Vigne, N., Lynch, M., Golian, L., Lawrence, D.S., & Malm, A. (2017). How body cameras affect community members’ perceptions of police: Results from a randomized controlled trial of one agency’s pilot. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


Boehmer, R., Escamilla, J., Hartnett, S. M., Lawrence, D.S., & Rosenbaum, D.P. (2013). Illinois Police-Community Interaction Survey: Bridging the gap between police science and police practice. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago and National Institute of Justice.


Hughes, E., Lawrence, D.S., & Devitt-Westley, C. (2013). The Illinois DMC assessment: Quantitative analysis. In Disproportionate minority contact in the Illinois juvenile justice system 2010 (pp. 61–83). Chicago, IL: Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission. Retrieve here.


Rosenbaum, D.P. & Lawrence, D.S. (2012). Teaching respectful police-citizen encounters and good decision making: Results of a randomized control trial with police recruits. In D. P. Rosenbaum, G. Cordner, L. Fridell, S. M. Harnett, S. D. Mastrofski, J. McDevitt, J., & W. G. Skogan (Eds.), National Police Research Platform: Phase 1. Final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago and National Institute of Justice.


Rosenbaum, D.P., Lawrence, D.S., Cordner, G., Cho, C.C. (2012). Understanding the new generation of police officers: Beginning a longitudinal study of police recruits. In D. P. Rosenbaum, G. Cordner, L. Fridell, S. M. Harnett, S. D. Mastrofski, J. McDevitt, J., & W. G. Skogan (Eds.), National Police Research Platform: Phase 1. Final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago and National Institute of Justice.


Rosenbaum, D.P., Lawrence, D.S., Hartnett, S., McDevitt, J., & Posick, C. (2012). Measuring the quality of police-civilian encounters and agency legitimacy: The Platform Public Satisfaction Survey. In D. P. Rosenbaum, G. Cordner, L. Fridell, S. M. Harnett, S. D. Mastrofski, J. McDevitt, J., & W. G. Skogan (Eds.), National Police Research Platform: Phase 1. Final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago and National Institute of Justice.


Rosenbaum, D.P., Schuck, A., Lawrence, D.S., & Hartnett, S. (2011). Community-based indicators of police performance: Introducing the Platform’s Public Satisfaction Survey. In Topical Report Series of the National Police Research Platform. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago and National Institute of Justice.




Professional/Trade Publications

White, M.D., Peterson, B.E., Lawrence, D.S., Cunningham, B.C., & Coldren, J.R. (2024, March/April). Deploying body-worn cameras in a jail setting: Impacts and lessons learned. American Jails Magazine. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S. (2023, December). Research in brief: Bicycle patrols for drug market disruption: The impact of a police bicycle unit in the largest drug market on the eastern seaboard. Police Chief Magazine, 90(12), 18-21. Retrieve here.


Thompson, P.S., Lawrence, D.S., & La Vigne, N.G. (2020, March). Research in Brief: Three-city Evaluation of Gunshot Detection Technology. Police Chief Online. Retrieve here.


Thompson, P.S., Lawrence, D.S., & La Vigne, N.G. (2020, January). Securing officer buy-in when a beneficial technology increases workload: Best practices for implementing gunshot detection technology. ACJS Today. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S. (2019, December). Research in Brief: Variations of body-worn camera activations. Police Chief Online. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., & Rosenbaum, D.P. (2017, November). Research in Brief: Teaching Procedural Justice and Communication Skills during Community-Police Encounters. The Police Chief Magazine, November, 2017. Retrieve here.


Peterson, B.E., & Lawrence, D.S. (2016, Fall). Innovation in community survey research. Smart Policing Initiative Quarterly Newsletter, No. XXI. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S. (2015, Spring). We need to understand the public’s views toward police body cameras. Translational Criminology Magazine, 8–9. Retrieve here.





Web Features

La Vigne, N.G., Ulle, M., Erondu, N., Lawrence, D.S., & Robin. L. (2022). Police Body-Worn Camera Legislation Tracker (July 14, 2022 version). Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., Kim, K., Peterson, B.E., Kizzort, M., & Shukla, R. (2022). Contraband Cell Phones: Legislative Tracker. Retrieve here.




Blog Posts

Dockstader, J., & Lawrence, D.S. (2024). What suicide data for public safety officers tell us. CNA Corporation. Retrieve here.


Lawrence, D.S., & McLaurin, H. (2022). Sources for police use of force data. In Depth, CNA Corporation. Retrieve here.


Lynch, M., & Lawrence, D.S. (2015). What’s in store for Chicago’s next police superintendent? Urban Wire, Urban Institute. Retrieve here.


McClure, D., & Lawrence, D.S. (2015). Police body-camera footage: Why public should only kind of mean public. Urban Wire, Urban Institute. Retrieve here.

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